Wow so equal in points a Musashi about 20p vs Joan About 60 p or itwill be a special Dire poe Joan a beach party one - about 20p XD
ich Will !! [MEDIA]
Well Bolts may be a Very decided female units or other femine atributes may stick out way to obwious or as they are an erly Digital sculpt...
is this a funn thing :) - woman will do same things with legs no mater the shoo type and High heels are actualy a man's shoo but nobody...
So we get a bicycle vampire , alternative tribal Haxxer and a an Angry tooha with water gun XD Lazymandinios and some Aleph and a Transformer a...
Same tech as on Dayokaiu but smaler mini and way less time spedn on it [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] idea was he is caind of melding with enviroment...
is the pilot helmet and over all easy to paint mini :) with typical female detail - feets pointing inside
in case of JSA mini base coat grey - and dry ;) - it is metal mini after all ;) bottom layer - purple (shadows ) half dry when another is...
Holy cow i get comments about painting XD but ok a little explening what going on Recently checked how Bogusz is doing his...
Im working slowly on Easy water base - but this require from me to do a base at all and curentluy im working on 8 minis and only 2 of them...
42h to redeam free game from GoG :)
Can be done but it require Acrylic Glassy or Glossy medium Gel - the Gel part is important difference betwen Glassy and Glossy is one...
Nail powder :) - to mix with nail polish and other to nail solutions , maku up ones got usualy added some oily thing to them (coconut oil...
and i just found this [MEDIA] i t is a way you may improve a leather you already made on minis - it is not a way i would use but it would...
it is caind of Mussolini ogre .... 0_o on other topic i get to a local store for after shave and get back with Fluo pigments :) Normal light...
Shading is a bit on rushed side of things but placment is correct so this part is good (all tho on gun is not same as on the rest of the mini...
You get about 4 H to get a free game from Humble boundle a car symulator
W8 what ? an ogryns are like onion it hava a gun and a coat like a pimp .. or something like that ;) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] ye will throw an...
o im ass forgot to post what i was talking about [MEDIA] you may simplyfi this by stipling an adding scraches lookd good :) or go ham with...
so you primed silver model is silver primer -_o so we can't c a damn thing .. Btw is Mecha line an acrylic r it is aomething different ?