Was about to post a clip from this legend of a move .. but decide not ... there are limits
This looks like something out of battlefield earth the Travolta move
ok there is somrerthing realy interesting with pants - have you made ther a stypling pattern to create texture on them ?? o and i like th e faces...
So if you are using similar way but invest a way more time and effort and get lesser effect - you are doing something wrong .
i would go for greens and blues or other funny coours mixes - official is black and Read aka "Edge Lords " but i got photos of 2 shawasti from...
im gona point you to Wizafez topic about painting lether - this helpsalot and minis start to look so mutch better ;)...
Ok i hope you will do something with base now it looks like she is standing among a watered down poop other thing is blue and purple parts...
a mini called Druzylda ;) shame that Druze sectorial is not as good as this sculpt and .. druze are like JSA theyare way better as merc in...
Beconcunin ;) this is a model from Sapphire Wars Samurai rabits , Corpo cats and geishas and Pork mercynarys ;)
Again no Ghulams or water base :) another thing from past ;) [IMG] a mini that is OOP i think ..
Strange models in this Onyx this days ... -__-'
Thre is even an amazing 3 part material on yt about false design in gaming just all about Dishonored 3 - and about topic you just bring up ,...
So Wolfenstine NewBore is out ... and is boring .. other issue i found is . - i already play thous maps .. in Dischonored .. you basicly run a...
soi was searching for Ghulam minis i painted for red veil to uploade .... and no effect yet .. i have them .. somewer ;) but mean while i...
the eyes - This do not help and make this strange effect - it would look better if you just make them dark without whites more natural - you...
[IMG] ok this was Called Super sajan Mac Murow - do you get his Dog face form to ? it was in on blister it was hilarious
Are traps gay ??? you thing ther is a susage in this female cameleon armor ?? ;) Ty your well came i think this cameleon face is adorkable :)
ok not a water base but not a Infinity mini to so i will show some :) [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Hey hey they looks nice things to improve - make things on belts separate from belt like thous buttons or poches or knife
Dark side or bright side ?? but realy look at the mini :) [ATTACH] this biutiful Cameleon lurking in this armour :)