[IMG] it is this outfit more or less you can find a lot of her minis but mostly not in this scale and alot of them at lest pin ups or just...
ok lets add a bit more minis :) [IMG] [IMG] So this is a mini from Warzone a Cultist or something but i notice this strange proportions like in...
acha that's Analconda Pilot aka Samus Airan ;)
So how annoing is to assemble this bike transformer ??
Count as Maghariba pilot pin up model XD ok i know this butt but arms are from?? (is it female Warcow ? )
just look at his stats he is inferior in almost all way to already given snipers in factions he is avadible including Starco , 1.5 Swc for multi...
ok i know that's not a Water base tutorial i got plenty of work and commision to actualy do a side project like a water base tut i think i should...
W8 im trying to figure another random commentthat will ruin a model design for all and no effect yet so justcongrats on feve new minis and...
Ha :) Charlis Angels tho i do not like the pistol one it looks like from other range of minis looks like Hasslefree minis
Study is one thing practice is other - you may read all the book in the world about painting but without practice you will not be able do draw a...
ok got complementary materials :) [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] it is simplier to explain if you don't need to read my Engrish ;P it is all about...
yes and no things are a bit more complicated [ATTACH] this is your photo things that are wrong are contrast and lights as i assume that...
Azrail HMG - what going on on his gun - all red blicks go from upper left to botom right but on a circle element it go in reverse - there is no...
No just minis you mentioned got means to get in to CC - infiltration , superior movment or Superior movment + ODD Daiyokai have none of thous...
Fun part is when he is competent in it when he never get to it ? and if he is, his opponent is a 24 CC MA4 with Mono filament or a Dcharges...
There is a big Difference between Mowang and Daiyokai Mowang is in YJ and they got assortment of units equipped with long range weapons on...
[IMG] it is definitly nice minature to paint but like i mentioned in one of the erliest posts - compared to other Super heavy Hi it weapon...
You get there realy angry Kappa is this Zond nautica hava Hammerpants ?? and Crock Morlock looks good and wel composed in terms of colours...
i knew he got some funky skills and eqiup on him so i just added this effect by mixing black paint with a bit of chromatic pigment , this...
O my long time not C :) got like 10+ minis to get photos of but in mean time a Wild Fire painted for local game store in an express time...