Some pages back, I switched the head of the Kuroshi Rider. Now, she has a fairly accessible neck, but I did it all with a hobby knife. It did take...
I like the knight lady. I Wonder if I can justify the purchase just for her.
I wonder how hard it is to remove that coat in that armor...
This is a thread about KALDSTROM MINIATURE PICTURES. Not a health debate. So let's make it clear. Shut up about it. If you want to vent, go do it...
I'm about to make the poor weaponless Stinger into a well armed spy. Gotta look good while spying.
It's not only important, it's the single most important rule of engagement. Style provide extra protection from enemy fire.
It's probably for the best. This year will be very lacking in terms of event and gathering. Even E3 is out.
I got a camera now so I'll be able to take proper pictures. I'll probably post more stuff now!
There's also the fact that Coronavirus is the term most people are familiar with. If they started using COVID-19 everywhere, people would panic...
I managed to get my parents to play Arkham Horror and Star Wars Outer Rim with me. Been having quite a bit of fun! Hope they'll play Defiance too!
You're courageous doing small creatures like this. I was always put off by them. 28mm is already small enough. I have been in a major fantasy...
Nice Helot! I'm hesitant on it. On one hand, I want to steal the SMG from it to use elsewhere (It's kinda big though). But I also kinda like the boy.
Sadly, my close-by hobby shops barely sell any Infinity materials, so there's no community for it. I'm the only person I know that actually plays...
It's thread and arguments like this that makes me glad I just paint and enjoy the world of Infinity and have no Investment in the game itself. I...
The solution would be to make smaller sections that are assembled on location rather than big pièces hard to transport.
The overall style is japanese. The demonic mask on the face and knee, the tabi footwears, and I'm fairly sure the writing on the cloth is in...
JSA Remote. To protect those robogeisha.
I'm pretty sure blockading is definitely possible in Infinity since there are set areas from which enemy ships can come through, the wormholes....
It's really mostly a few ship sizes and travelling time. I don't remember anything regarding space combat in the RPG.
Unfortunately, the RPG book on ships isn't out yet. The core book has some background infos at best. Not a whole lot of art either.