It might be meta dependent, but I always generate all my orders on my order board at the start of my turn. I then go through all my impetuous...
Ok, I‘m going to treat this as having them roll the dice was the correct call then
I think you are aiming at the description of an objective room. At the incident I al referring to, the players have agreed to treat the walls as...
I would always select a unit that generates a regular order and no impetuous order so that the opponent doesn’t realize what’s going on in the...
This is my feeling too. That’s why I ruled that I‘ll roll a dice and on 11+ he’s allowed to deploy there. But it would be great if that would be...
The players have a agreed to treat a building as infinite height because the table would have been crazy open otherwise. But the deployment part...
Hey everyone, I recently ran into a rules question when judging a tournament: Can a model (with climbing plus if that matters) deploy at any...
Totally forgot about the bots. Yes, those first please
After my initial conversion frenzy, the only models I would really like to have official models for are Alpha, Lambda and Cyberghosts. But I don’t...
Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Any chance you'll add interiors?
Yeah, I just wanted to confirm that before I start to speculate that this shows that the KS is actually a bit more successful than CB anticipated.
Am I missing something or are there no renders for Kusanagi?
It seems like CB deliberately put no teaser for the 1 Million EUR mark, so I think we can expect something special
Firstoff, the "technical" level of painting on the Garuda is amazing! To give you constructive feedback on the color scheme: I am also not very...
I don’t feel that those missions really force you to do anything, but to bring two lists that can do Highly Classified and have some sort of...
It is a new addition to the bootleg mini collection: Diorama of the Avatar sepsitorizing the 4 original heros
So to cover Deluxe + Outcasts + Revenant I would need 2 Card Sleeve packs? @Koni ?
I didn’t count yet: will one set of sleeves be enough for all cards received with a platinum pledge (assuming we get Revenant for free)?
I was going to write pretty much the same. Jaan will be an interesting model to paint, but Valerya feels a bit off. Not sure why she holds the...
Just because it hasn’t been written on here yet: According to the update text, Hankwood belongs to the White Star Company. I think this means we...