Awesome, much appreciated!
Is there any way to access the old N2 army builder as well? Getting some nostalgia recently
Fully agree to most of your points. I even raised the point of needing a new approach to Vanilla at an Interplanetario Q&A session like 5 years...
Has anyone found a decent build to fill out the reinforcements if taking a Caskuda as reinforcements? Even if playing the Caskuda for rule of...
Has anyone found a good use for the Revenant/Outcast Boxes? I have the Feldherr inlays for the Main Game, but it seems there isn’t anything for...
Amazing speed and results! Love the new bots!
Really curious how the remotes with the masking tape will turn out!
A bit off-topic but I am curious: why are you interested in these two lynx? There is already one for the general release and I have never managed...
Really inspiring stuff! Can’t wait to see your next table!
I love it! Especially the amount of planning you put into it!
Well, a Bandit has PH13 so a 10% better chance to succeed at the doge, but ARM 1 instead of 3 so also 10% lower chance to not die if doge fails...
I love them. Why would PH 11 be an issue? We are talking about an „almost 2 wounds“ camo „almost infiltrator“ with either a red fury or other good...
Crisp as always! Did you batch paint those or did you go one by one?
All I hear is: next army update brings Alguaciles Lt to 0 SWC :D :D
Awesome, many thanks for sharing! And glad to hear that the investment in a good gun is paying off! Looking forward to seeing more of the army and...
Awesome work! Can you share a bit more about your process e.g. how much use of air brush?
make the resculpt look good, add some weapon options unique to Ariadna (Mine dispenser?) and I am more than happy. Ariadna specific pilot is my...
I think there are plenty of alternatives to a no fireteam tournament, but I‘d definitely play. I‘d also play no Fireteam steel phalanx if the...
Really good news that the ships are already at sea when you look at shenzen harbour right now
Thank you for conducting this research! Knowing this might come in really handy in case I ever get offered an ex-pat position („No way! I am not...