Thanks for the info guys. In regards to cancelling Kuroshi and Aragotos impestuous. How do I do that, or where does it tell me I can do that?
Had a few games now, picking the game up slowly but surely. Although, I am finally understanding why JSA are considered difficult. Getting into CC...
Thanks for the feedback Ashtaroth. Everything you described is what I didnt take into account! I am sure Ill do it a few more times before then...
So had my first game with JSA tonight and my third game of Infinity in total. Killed some stuff, but made big blunders with my bikes and had some...
Thanks again for all the info. I was interested in whether Shinobu and Saito were comfortable in a list together. One thing I was wondering about...
Thanks for all the help guys. I got a fantastic deal off a buddy and ended up with everything but some niche stuff from JSA. I was curious as to...
Ok and that is on top of the starter set?
Hey guys been searching through the minis and I am attracted most to the JSA but honestly I am unsure of what exactly I am looking at or for. I...
My bad! I will just copy and paste this over there.