Incredible work mate. My favourite aspect of table top is playing on an immersive board, and you have nailed it. The snow board could shape up to...
Goes really well. I have the Night City scape mat, I never know what to do with the parts of the mat that are for buildings etc, but are only...
No no, don't worry, I just wanted to make sure I had sent something. I can imagine! You do right in taking some time out. All the best.
@ShaeKonnit Hey mate I think I put in a contact form post through the website, but couldn't remember if I had or not so thought I'd drop a post...
Looks awesome mate, love the darker look as well. Gives me bladerunner vibes! Are you using the district 5 mat?
Love it, that'll go perfectly on my Ariadna board.
Just to clarify for my slow self. The scenario you outlined is due to the fact that dodge movement occurs after the turn is over? Sorry if I...
I was just posing a scenario, I wasn't aware you could just move out of CC either. Although I suppose with the buff to CC in the active turn,...
So you can move out of contact and shoot, and then force another dodge into CC or out of LOF?
Is this the same for District 5? I am trying to get hold of one myself (UK) Edit: I think I can order it from MAS directly, but the £21 shipping...
Not to say you are wrong, just more asking for the relevant rules. I wasn't aware Markers triggered mines, that is brilliant. Also the rule...
@zapp that Haris sounds very fun, how do you use it if you don't mind me asking. Also, with JSA being pretty light on SWC, and the Rui Shi not...
I had forgotten that fairy dust now applied to an entire unit type, very handy. It also seems that you can run REMs without the presence of a...
Hey guys, I was curious what you thought of JSAs REMs at the minute. I'm not sure I will be auto including a Rui Shi anymore. Although the Lu Duan...
Very good point! Consider my mind changed. It's a substantial buff to CC in that case, another string to the bow!
That's interesting. Is that working as intended? Seems a little un-immersive, for me anyhow.
@Knauf Just in regards to what you were saying regarding dodge. I hadn't actually thought of the the dodge movement basically acting as a cautious...
That is very clever, thank you for the heads up!
Cheers for that, and in regards to what Sabin said earlier, the movement of dodge doesn't trigger AROs.
Would you mind explaining the dodge rule? What is the purpose? You can move then dodge an ARO? Sorry for the questions, but that does seem a...