A Manga, set on Shinju, with a cast of characters from multiple factions (in a Caper Crew or Ragtag Band of Misfits style ensemble), with an...
Sculpts of the deployable turrets (with various weapons) and the two types of cover would be nice too. Hobbyists can make their own, but it would...
The Yamabushi from Sandtrap works well as a special bonus mini - useful as an HVT, in Army for both the relevant factions, and a fine proxy for a...
I would really like if speedball could only be deployed on turn 2 and 3. It would reinforce their use as a recovery mechanism, instead of an...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Ko Dali done, with weeks to spare!
Fair cop. I'll call her Timarete the Aoidos, then.
I would be more enthusiastic about Kosmoflot if it actually looked like low-tech spacefarers. As is, only a few of the units available looks like...
I'm thinking of doing Dravot Group from TAG Raid, adding a good LT and some extra critters fro cheap orders:...
Thamyris is also a female name. My Pandora model just got a name change... Me too. I'll use her as a Mk4 HMG; Never got the Mk4-Mk5 set, my...
[ATTACH]An even more modest goal for January - Ko Dali without her jump pack.
A modest goal, and still missed the deadline. I misjudged the general business of December :([ATTACH][ATTACH]
I'd say it needs a FAQ; It is not obvious to me what the end result of the interaction is, if the MSV3 user shoots and hits - a camo marker, or a...
There is also Fastballs now. A Fastball applied to an Avatar to get it out of a pickle is intrinsically better than a Fastball applied to a...
I'd love to see a functional reinforcements mode, where using reinforcements was an option for either player at list construction time. Hey...
The general inability for motorcycles to choose to not be impetuous impacts the biker gang style lists. The Aragoto KHD will miss being able to...
[ATTACH] Last pair of drones for OCF. A modest goal, for a busy month.
And very on theme for a force on Shinju; Time to break out the ancient mystic ruins terrain :)
That looks like the intro to a whole "Tachikoma Days" like shorts series.
I really like how the Seraph and Lei Gong now actually moves on the tabletop the way their miniatures imply.