Hmm i just hope they keep the names and original descriptions of skills in fluff blurbs. Thermo-Optic Camo sounds way cooler and has the cool...
Haha, im also turning 25 in may, but i got ya beat, mines on the 4th. All i would want at this point is either msv2 mukhtar blister or hortlak...
Would this be the wrong place to ask if the pledge manager for late pledges is open yet? My bank screwed me out of my normal pledge despite me...
Are they though? Lets take the ap hmg and compare to an hmg jann. For 1 point less you lose AP and 1 arm, but gain 4-4 move, religious, +3cc, a...
Ugh just swap MA2 for NBW already, it fits so much better.
Ooh also dont forget that with the Nahabs, their supersoldier program also makes them a bit more aggresive and a little mad for excitement and...
Tarik in a 5 man link. Fat2 spitfire and pray for ctits.
I was looking for someone to agree with. Honestly theres no doubt i will back this project, but only near the end after i see all thats available...
You pretty much summed it up. Boring and plain, but astonishing from a pure gamplay pov. Bioimmunity on bts 6 is great for tanking shock, viral,...
I guess he doesnt need to have cc, maybe biotech combat is shock and viral weapons. Cc13 bs12 str 11 wip 14/15 arm 1 bts 3 w1. Akbar doc,...
Meh, not worth the risk for me imo. Im just worried of yet another generic doctor unit. Each character in defiance gets 3 defining builds. Im...
You know, i get it. But would it kill CB to think outside of the box just a tad bit more on their new character here ( i get that we dont know his...
Honestly thats exactly how i play her but with a ghulam link instead. Ghulam missile usually doesnt last past turn 1 so she rolls out with the link.
Am i the only one in this boat or do others have trouble figuring out where the hakims kinda fit. I mean, i know their role, but they kinda have...
Anybody try running the hortlak sniper as Aro in a full link. I kinda wanna run 2 in a full link for aro and active turn long range hunting.
Sorry, i meant assault. It was late last night when i posted.
Just want to comment on 2 older things said in the thread. 1st: engage most definitely be allowed to go around a corner, otherwise it becomes...
I uhhhh think you posted in the wrong place bud
As someone who has been playing haqq since N3 started and has played competitively, often placing in the top half or top 1/3rd of most...
Well ragik and fiday arent in rama. Id suggest the khawarij box, ghulam swc box, jannissary box, and namurr blister. Bashi bozouks work as great...