The new Squalo looks great! The bolts look good, but not as good as before. I wish they will keep the girls hairs and poney tails visible (if...
Ahah yeah I kinda love it 'cause it's all but what can one expect, but I see some problems (I'm writing as I'm thinking) - If I play second the...
Hello, We're running the Daedalus fall campaign. And the next on the list is mission 302. It will be the first time I'm playing with Shas (as I...
Hi, Is my understanding correct that Vanilla factions have been buffed to a quite significant extent when compared to Sectorial? Not only they...
All I can tell you is that you need to be ready to outgun the Marksmanship Sin eater. You have some options to do so: Rasyat, good old smoke...
Nah. I disagree. The girls of infinity played an important role in my enrolment of Infinity. I don't want a Chimera or old Moira's. But having...
Is it though? I mean: it has a B3 weapon and is not a CC monster It’s almost the same price of a Tik, and the Tik is massively superior on...
Maybe the problem is that the guy costs only 14 points, is backed by gazillion of smoke grenade (launchers) in HI, has ultra high mobility, and...
The MSV somehow protects them from being smoked tricked, so it’s kinda good. Smoke grenades would shine on them: smoke, and then go aggro....
That's true. But she sucks in all honesty. It's not really a miss
That’s exactly how I play them. First turn is a bit of a pain, I mostly use orders to place and setup how I want my half to the table to look...
That’s the big strength of Varuna indeed. I think the only important missing unit in terms of loadout is the HMG Kamau for the ones that didn’t...
You certainly have more experience than I do in infinity, but I’m not sure I agree. They are so expensive. We’re already at 90+ points for a...
I like the fact you’re considering aesthetics and lore to try to build a meaningful unit. Mine was more tying to find a slot for a potential...
Call me crazy, but I think they need a significant buff, way above just frenzy and 6-2 (which would be a bare minimum). And I wouldn’t nerf...