Haqqislam will provide to O-12 this information, and what O-12 does with this information is up to them. Information contained could pose a risk,...
We will of course provide briefings to O-12 as evidence is accumulated and cataloged. Ooc: omg I love the little bird mascot rofl
Haqqislam has made it known that we are hunting Equinox agents that have been using the ALEPH facility as refuge and ALEPH have been protecting...
Haqqislam has already informed and apologized to its allies for any rogue commanders attending to their own objectives. Do know though that we...
Haqqislam hopes with ALEPH having to refocus to Darpan, that JSA is able to regain its holdings in Gekidan.
Lies and slander. Haqqislam is hunting down the Combined Army collaborators of Equinox on Darpan. Yu Jing is taking over security of Cameliard so...
Ooc omg that last reply with the gif has me laughing my butt off. Touche sir touched!
Since there is no real dedicated place for posting Battlereports for Durgama I will try here! First is the prelude narrative before the report to...
Haqqislam was requested by the Nomad Nation to support their efforts against the over whelming Combined Assault on the station. This was...
My friend, I think you misunderstand the statement. She was thanking you for your efforts in saving the O-12 personnel. She may have misunderstood...
Thats...literally an artichoke...
I get the feeling after all these years that Haqqislam as a faction runs very differently from other factions, thought I might give insight into...
Statement from the Office of the Hachib of Bourak, and with support of the Haqqislam High Command on the Durgama Peninsula: @terrordactyl @Danger...
@Lady Numiria ongoing diplomacy is currently under way with the Tohaa remnant forces as to the purpose of the occupation of Zebu. As per our last...
It appears O-12's intel is not up to date. Haqqislam has no transgressions to apologize for. The Xeraks Battery was a reaction to the loss of...
Equinox almost led to the downfall of the Human Sphere as we know it, and so many lives were lost in that shadow war. They are just as much a...
Bismallah! Haqqislam to glad to hear that Panoceania has finally decided to work with others militarily and diplomatically. We are pleased to see...
OOC: Can someone please explain to me how O-12 is supposed to roleplay anything other than an anxiety induced, hair pulling, alcoholic peace...
My dear Officer, The Zebu area is currently home to many military forces, I do apologize if we have slightly more than others there. It is merely...