I love mini-atalanta! :D
Ran this list for our Thursday night gaming sessions against Morat Aggression Force. I wanted to give the Sunduqbut, Bohktar and Viral MMR a go,...
I had hoped with the N3 changes to Hacking we were going more the "These guys are wizards from a fantasy game" style of hacking. Supporters,...
I feel like given its advanced deployment a AP Spitfire is even better here because it also threatens their big armor dudes who would be fighting...
Yes. Except Pano.
McMurder is funny as heck knowing his backstory. I love it. "Oh were you scared of my Fiday deployment? Well dont I have a suprise for you!...
The Jannissary models look fine (the new box), they follow the Haqqislam HI style, and are pretty crisp. I have no issues with the current models....
I personally like the Minelayer Profile, I think that one is the winner. Drops a Mine camo token, along with a decoy and itself, then can go...
I enjoy taking a TacAware Breaker Rifle in the Khawarij Haris with a Doc and Spitfire. The Khawarij can keep up for the most part due to the same...
My understanding was it was a VERY liberal view of the Quran.
This is my gripe, the Bohktar fluff really doesn't make much sense from a psychological sense. If you saw death and it was absolute hell, why the...
Oh okay, I thought they were doing a full replace of Ghulam in N4...I will be happy if they remain similiar in N4 as they are now.
I REALLY like the idea of the Sunduqbut because if Daylami go regular and we keep the infiltration panzerfaust option....we can combined order a...
so what I am reading here is its a Bot-ina-Box...
Message from the Office of Hachib in response to the events that occurred on Durgama Peninsula. “To the citizens and soldiers of Concilium Prima...
Great campaign ALEPH! Darpan turned into a bloodbath for sure...or oil bath in your regard I guess? Coolant bath?
I believe that has been tried a couple of times, unfortunately for the foreign actors, that is. As was mentioned before, we were fighting...
I would not opposed to the Symbiomates secretly running a blackmarket scam on the Tohaa and the Tohaa deciding to just murder them all as an...
OOC I was really happy to see CA as an actual villain and threat for once! It was wonderful!
Id prefer we just burn all the symbiomates to death.