[IMG] To O12 officials and @Lady Numiria , Haqqislam’s Hafza analysts are tracking ever increasing Combined Army movement within the capital...
We have seen some Combined Army movement, but it appears to be focused around control of the quantum field containment devices. No offensive...
I thought they said ALEPH did? Or I might be remembering something else...
[IMG] To all Nations, Bhai University has been designated by Waqf al-Badawi as a refugee and aid center. Haqqislam High Command and the Hachib...
I like narratively it could be anything. Its great.
Part 5 finale! https://haqqislamislife.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-journey-home-part-5.html
To be fair...where IS Panoceania? How is the "great hyperpower" so silent?
We agree on this. I think it also important we try and blunt racial hatred of our our Tohaa friends, accused on whole due to the members of the...
Honorable @YueFei23 , Your heart is in the right place, but your own passion is hampering efforts diplomatically. O-12 made a mistake, this is...
Haqqislam is proud to stand next to our Yu Jing allies in this effort, but do wish to counsel a less offensive tone. Grace and deference to our...
Haqqislam pledges to do all that it can to aid O-12 on Concilium Prima. This disaster is more than one group can handle and many people are still...
My friend @Drunkergnom , The Xeraks Massacre similiar to the Nomads killed at La Forga at Wotan due to Ariadnan greed? Similar to the...
The Ariadnans working the fishing facilities are vital to Concilium Prima from a logistics point of view, and deserve their voices heard....
NEW! https://haqqislamislife.blogspot.com/2023/09/the-journey-home-part-4.html
I am going to compile everything here into one thread as I realize I will probably be writing a lot....
Commissioner, I believe it prudent to clarify that the Spiral Corps members are the terrorists deserving of this targeting, and not all members of...
“To the citizens and followers of Haqqislam, We are mobilizing the greatest humanitarian effort in the short history of our nation's existence....
Introduction to Haqqislam on Campaign Welcome Speech from HAWZAs Instructor Circa Kurage Crisis: Greetings, commanders of Haqqislam! Since many...
It is important to understand the power of words. The Combined Army has ADVISORS joining the as such with O-12, the Combined Army not joining the...