Sorry to resurrect this again. But what about adding Wu Ming HI to DBS? Wu Ming are a penal regiment of hardened criminals, who work with Druze in...
This is my main issue. You pay twice as much points, for not near as much as twice as much utility. Generally the difference between ARM 1 and ARM...
I play Hassassin, QK, Steel Phalanx and Druze. All of them have MI. Hassassin's Muyibs are wildcards and therefore can go in any link, but they...
Medium infantry get a lot of bad press. They're not as cheap as LI, and only a fraction cheaper than a lot of HI without the durability. They have...
So we have a pseudo HI in the form of Wolfgang Amadeus Wolf, but I don't feel he's quite the pointman for a fireteam I was hoping for. Has anyone...
Druze in an ORC suit sounds perfect to me. CB wouldn't need new sculpts and Druze would get a boost. Druze wouldn't have the whole host of options...
Only really just getting started with DBS, but a reason to take Arslan would be nice - nwi and shock immune seems like a good start. Also...
Thanks, I'd worked out the clips, but wasn't sure if the others had suitable proxies.
OK, I'm thinking of picking up spiral corps, however I have the tohaa starter box already. Are there any minis in the tohaa starter that are...