Llevo unas cuantas partidas mas que @Melmak a refuerzos, incluido un pequeño torneo, y suscribo la sensación general de que el modo de juego no...
Premature end of game in an standard 300 points game requires fielding a 75 point army list. That's 225 points not being used. Which it is...
Straight from the Rulebook: And If it is ‘unfair’ to bring less than ‘around 300’ points into a game by it is not ‘an abuse’ to bring less...
That implies that my friend "around 249" point list consisting of: https://assets.corvusbelli.net/army/img/logo/factions/usariadna.svg...
I myself have found Reinforcement Mode to be not of my like. But I will always defend you playing whatever you like in whatever form you like....
To be honest I do not see any kind of difference between a list bringing 250+50 with 50 points invested in 1 or 2 troopers from the main list...
Exactly when this has happened and what other changes have I missed?
The solution for Epsilon HMG and Bronze HMG for WYSIWYG purposes is the same: weapon swap from the Kappa HMG weapon gun.
NO, it is not true. And at the same time YES... in a way. No, it is not true. CB adress problems with their game and solve issues and give...
I do agree with what @Hecaton is posting here. Vanilla / Sectorial balance do need to be looked out, and Sectorial needs to be more attractive...
Just wanted to point that you can indeed legally participate in ITS Season 15. The Operations deck is only mandatory for an specific, but AWESOME,...
MISTAKES WERE MADE I think the same. And it provides some player agency to both players thanks to the pick 4 discard 1 for Mission Operations,...
Please mind that the new "Resilence Operations" tournament mod and mission at the very end of the ITS PDF seems to be a PERFECT MOD AND MISSION...
I just wanted to point the version of the rule differs from English and Spanish. There is no roll involved for Border Skirmishes. At this moment...
It is impossible to not feel the itch of using both HMG and Feuberbach gammas at the same time. Their sculpting pose fits perfectly when paired...
Pardon my Spanish-bias. SSA is "Sub-Sección de Asalto" (ASS in english). Which indeed it is SP or Steel Phalanx, in opposition of OSS, or...
The organization staff and the judges attending Interplanetary told us that both Pulpi's and Kraken's players were a random population of both...
I like how you swapped the N+E/M into Shock+E/M so there can not be any kind of confusion regarding if this CC weapon is lethal or not! Which by...
Si esto fuera cierto haría que las tropas con Sigilo que son capaces de ganarle la espalda a un enemigo ganasen muchos puntos. Pero me temo que es...
The key here is the perception of the game situation. Although eclipse and GML has been part of the game, it was not until now that the perception...