Yeah, QML always does that. The address change complaints are for CB direct shipments. I got my address check, so shipping should be in the next...
Now we just need to hope that it's all made in Europe. I assume now they'll have plastic TAG's with it as well. It'll also be late enough that...
While the last big plastic was a mostly assembled model (which some of us then disassembled from the base), the metal minis as made by CB were...
As I mentioned before in various spots, Archon Studio from Poland does nice plastic models and ahead of time with their Dungeons and Laser...
I had been looking for info about the shipping issues off and on, and so of course that means the Corporate Overlords seed my news feeds with...
Holding an Anaconda up against the image, it seems comparible in size judging by the little arms.
So do we think the bear will be in the Operation or Beyond? Or maybe Advance?
Chaksa are uplifted by the Tohaa, but it doesn't always "take", so there's Chaksa that are fully sentient, and also some that are not. SO like,...
It seems more likely that Starmada wanted reinforcements from all the allies, and the Tohaa sent the Chaksa to fill in for them. Otherwise,...
Dungeons and Lasers 2 just delivered, 4 months early! But, that is a rare exception for KS in general and this timeframe especially so. I think...
If we think of it in a Kickstarter way, Paradiso could be an expansion (or any jungle), and I'm assuming the current TAGs will be reinforcement...
Kickstarter is also a great use of something like this, where your normal fans might not support it. So you don't want to invest a lot into it and...
The hexes may be large, and thus you can have a swarm of something 25mm in a single hex perhaps. 4 Taigha's in a hex!
I always assumed it'd be a battle royale type thing with a few TAGs and some monsters, so not a big shift. Going from countries to corporations...
Like with Heavy Armor, she has the Track/ Ability, she just has no ranks in it yet to give special abilities. The device/ armor doesn't say...
I'm not sure how big they are in the grand scheme of things, but Archon Studio in Poland does their own HIPS, and it's pretty good quality. Mostly...
I thought VAT was usually included in the total for most products, rather than spelled out a how much you're paying? I'm sure things have changed...
Unless they have a couple extras around, it won't be. Sometimes companies use excess to sell at conventions or for giveaways, not sure what CB's...
I also like the image of a pilot hopping out to try to fix their machine while others are distracted, or his team distracts whatever the main...