You obviously didn't understand the point at all, but then go further to ascribe motives to me in the process. Meanwhile worrying about a...
Though, they do plenty of limited edition models, so it's not impossible. The siocast stuff currently is all big stuff though, and in the past I...
Ah okay. Ariadna has remotes though, don't they? I just buy the monsters, not the rest of the faction... :)
Didn't the Monster box replace the TAG box for CodeOne Ariadna?
Overwhelmingly white meaning that the percentage of models that are not fully enclosed, are white so long as you assume that all models that are...
It assumes a negative stance, rather than benefit of the doubt. I don't think having the discussion about more diversity among PanO is bad in any...
I doubt at this point that the evolutionary benefits of melanin really matter to the skin tones, it's just be population stability, destruction,...
To be fair, it's not mostly white blonde people in the game. They're not very common in Haqqislam or Yu Jing, and quite rare in Combined Army......
Which do you doubt, that humanity can have replicated the last 120 years of wars and genocides over the next 175 years, or that some parts of...
It was interesting that the Reinforcement Packs have actual art on them. I figured they'd just be a box with some minis in it, but my JSA box has...
Q: Will Aristeia move entirely in house minis rather than the plastic? Q: Even if core box isn't done over, possibly new thermo minis? Q: Will...
There's a common point among the luxury-miniature companies also that you're not paying for the materials, you're paying for the designs and other...
Yeah, I mentioned the PanO Svalarheima thing, since it's not even white-Euro focused, but like 3 characters from that specific sector. I...
Certainly, though I'd prefer some specific suggestions rather than some of the odd comments that the internet produces... :) Not that I'm in...
I actually wish they'd do some kind of promo-figure to showcase the material. Something like a remote or whatever that any army might use. Ooh,...
It also does help to remember it's like 10 guys in Spain designing a lot of this stuff. So really, they do a pretty good job with having a lot of...
The RPG also makes a point to say it became "pan" Oceania once it crossed the ocean and got a bunch of South America. After various conflicts,...
Sure it can, and most of the models in question could as easily be Latino/ Middle Eastern as much as non-Anglo European. In the sense you're...
Not sure why he didn't just say "white", I never hear "Anglo" in my neck of America, and I think "White" conveys the meaning, that "multi-cultural...
I'm cautiously optimistic with it, as long as Polaris is nice enough. I'm not a Nomad guy, so I'll leave the testing to you folks before TAGRaid. :)