My litmus test for this is can you, one-for-one, play an Acon army as Kestrel without the weapons or troops being too different. We're still...
Very much so this. I adore the look of NCA's high-tech troops, and would have happily expanded my collection had CB actually had anything for...
...As part of their revenue stream, I struggle to see how CB having more of my money for less effort on their part is in any way in my interest....
Fireflies are a high-AVA Medium Infantry with a demolitions background, judging by their lore and their spot on the Sectorial chart, the Redeyes...
It is worth noting, what is best for CB is almost certainly not ideal for their consumer base- ideally, they'd want to make about twice as much...
We're still in wait-and-see for Neoterra. If Bolts keep their Marksmanship and the sniper keeps her MSV a Haris may still be one of the deadliest...
Perhaps, though this tactic runs into PanO's primary shortfall across basically all its Sectorials- just getting your gunner crit. Interestingly,...
It could be a staple if that KHD can actually handle meta Hacking threats, which we'll have to wait and see for. Just the fact that it exists will...
Non-Camo Skirmishers get exponentially better the more stuff you can actually put in the midfield- the Hassassins have a guy who basically is a...
The price is certainly nice, but could be nicer- both of them are blowing a lot of points on MSV for an attack piece with only a secondary weapon....
The fact nobody wants to buy it is the balance- JSA players get the box and have fun, PanO players angrily use their 50+ "proxies".
The only real miss here for me is the Banshee still not having a non-Hacker Specialist option (really handy for tournament lists where you need an...
The last Nokk I actually saw in gameplay was a KHD in WhiteCo, Cybermasking immediately and trying to counter-punch my own advancing Hackers. I...
They do the same job as Skirmishers. It's just that Locusts are rubbish at it, and Nokk are better for aggression than scoring since they're cheap...
"More" is not "nearly all". Especially when almost all of Kestrel is there! Hell, there's more exclusive to Vanilla than there is unique to Kestrel!
Crux are in KCF, we saw them already. I missed Joan, but it seems you missed one for SWF too- they have Nisses, Karhu and Nokken. Also, arguably...
Let's be real, rules maintenance isn't exactly hard. "Life support" is an exaggeration for minimum-effort translations to keep the rules...
Don't get me wrong- I very much like the core rules changes we've seen so far, and they'll probably be a big help to the PanO gameplan (even if it...
You lose the flavour, and that isn't so easy to replace. Not to mention you might not have a reasonable thing to proxy as... If I get a game of...
Have you seen the Vanilla PanO roster? It's in a bad, bad place unless Kestrel is a masterpiece of design- they take up fricking half of Vanilla....