Which thing, in particular? There's quite the list, apparently.
I doubt Spotlight is going to whiff that much, but admittedly the Fireteam changes and Pitcher alterations together will make Pitcher carriers...
MSV3 can shoot Camo Markers again, albeit with their Mimetism modifier.
...Was a Haris of ORCs without dragging along the bloody Character too much to ask? Fusiliers, (Total), Fennecs (5) and Bolts (3) are the only...
Welp, Hacking's totally unchanged despite seemingly absolutely nobody enjoying it. Only thing different is you now have a snowball's chance in...
At this point I'm committed to updating NCA myself if CB won't do it, to give my fellow players something fun to try, but my local scene has...
Ah- in that case, I'm a little confused about my Hexa Spitfire. A Nokk, maybe? They kinda suck, though. The Uhlan is also probably a better fit...
Figured I'd break this one down in particular. Sadly, the Drummers really, really don't do the jobs of Auxilia or the GDA. They're still great;...
R9 Landmines? It could be a mine, or a crazed parkour expert with a katana and a Heavy Flamethrower. The price is likely alright given that's a...
1.) BS Attack (-x) doesn't just affect BS Attacks. Models outmatched by enemies with high modifiers have always had the option to Dodge on their...
I play NCA, I have hordes of good Veterans in Bolts, and I still don't like how much this skill is showing up. If there's any consolation, it's...
Funnily enough, Kuang Shi held that title when I started. 5pt Dogged Regular Chain Rifle troopers without Tactical Window in play gave Yu Jing...
I wouldn't be surprised if the Bolt Sniper lost its MSV1. They only gained that equipment when FoCo released, and were the only profile in the...
I'm not all that worried about Kestrel to be honest; its links are crazy enough to cover most shortcomings, it's more Vanilla's roster that...
Personally I'm still waiting to see how Hacking actually shapes out before making judgements on Hackables this edition. Oblivion alone eating a...
Remember, PanO kinda don't have that many good snipers anymore. Most of Kestrel's new ones are better suited for ARO than aggressive play, I think...
Very likely typo. Either he's really an MI, or should have the Hackable token too- unless CB just finally gave up on keeping that consistent.
So, uh, anyone seen an AD trooper with even so much as a Combi Rifle for N5 yet? I don't think I've ever seen anyone complaining about...
...I still wouldn't call Silhouette 5 "Medium", but it sure is a better fit than LI! Surprising how much of his statline is defensive stuff that...
To be fair, this is also a writing and design problem as much as a de-nesting problem. Something like a Swiss Guard or Shaolin Monk is still...