My gut feeling is that the Blue Wolf will be the new Guijia in N4. Best TAG model available on a profile you nearly never play. Will buy it...
There is an ignore button in this forum. And yes, I only read half of the posts in this thread because of it. ;-)
Thanks for the write up. I recently took WB instead of Vanilla YJ because I felt I need the hacking protection that comes with the -6 mods from...
I would sent money asap to any manufacturer who turns these token into small acrylic versions (like the old small ones) to fit in my command board.
JSA might be one of the the factions that can comfortable play a low hacking game. Because their slashing game is good enough to kill enemy...
It's also theory crafting for me, but that Haris comes with an ok and extremely durable gunfighter (TI, 3STR, 2 unconscious states next to a WIP...
She can Cybermask without a roll. I think she is the better KHD pick over the Ninja atm. Although the Ninja can bring benefits with coming from HD...
Forum listbuilding is currently way less fun without the ability to put nice lists in here. I think the Haris with Karakuri/Yoriko/Domaru is my...
Thanks for your help in this. I give it rest for now and hope for some rules text in the future.
So, what about Shock or even DA/EXP, then? Is it also "tied to the ARM save" and can be avoided? (Rules > Rumours) (yes, I exaggerate a bit here)
yeah, I get that. That would be my ruling too. But there was an argument that you can ignore i.e. the AP part of that because it is "bound to the...
Good call. I honestly try to find the right page to point people to. Do you have any rules page for me? the weapons chart looks quite the same for...
I keep coming back to this skill all the time. Where exactly does it state in the rules that AP is tied to the ARM or BTS save? Every sentence...
I yesterday had a look into the core book, not the rules. I can read that book, but I find it unpleasant. Too much wall of text with a very small...
Uh wow, I always understood that rule as "search & replace ARM <-> BTS everywhere in the description of weapons like you choose". And I dislike it...
Can we have a clarification on that? For me thats 100% not RaI, but I might be wrong after all.
So there are two new YJ profiles that could work together potentially. Kanren Minelayer with Shock Mines Krit Kokram Forward Deployment 8"...
Without any sarcasm, why do you think the Boyg is an improvement? I looked at both Missile B+1 profiles and I don't know If I would like to pay 4p...
Good question. It might be the intention, but RAW I'd say the program is only active at the end of the order where the ARO happened.