I never fielded any of them except for the hacker. So I rather sculpt some winter jacket then buy another box.
Your list with export function (its available now for N4) https://assets.corvusbelli.net/army/img/logo/factions/imperial-service.svgISS remotes...
If you need help with manual unit data entry, I could help there. Although some kind of API from CB would be nice and kinda 2020. ;-)
Thanks for confirming my doubt.
I think using the oldschool DA/EXP CC weapon is the easier way to destroy the servers. Otherwise I have to get my non-markerstate Hacker all the...
I think the lists are solid. I agree with the comment on the 2nd one. You need some kind of tool to get out of your DZ if you happen to play on an...
As I play factions without pitchers, I'm more interested if it is viable to move a KHD into the enemy repeater range and go for Jazz through her...
Nice find. Now I still need a thing to remember which program has DA and which AP. ;-) Btw, do you have numbers on how likely it his to kill...
Indeed. Very exited to see more White Banner from you :-)
I always liked playing with Camo in YJ. With the release of White Banner I was hoping it would be a viable sectorial for that playstyle. It's not,...
This thread should be pinned.
Very well done. I recently used oil colors for "blacklining". Very pleasant to use, but some use of chemicals required.
I like to play with available miniatures, so I tried to build a list with what I have. (Old ShangJi = HRL, converted Daofei MR Hacker, Hundun...
In the Giraldez V2 Book the receipe was: Orange Brown Cavalry Brown for shading Scrofulous Brown Sunny Skin Tone White On the YJ Paintset Guide...
There is a very active international community in the @Vaulsc Discord, and he has also put up some videos on how to play on his youtube channel....
This model was painted in Oktober 2020 as it was clear that the Monstrucker would still play a vital role in any Vanilla army. I did not like the...
I was quite pleased with the Kanren (KHD) in my recent games. I used the Holoechos to remove Koalas / Madtraps / Mines and tried to attack with...
Now that the Guijia has Superjump, you have my vote! (just kidding). I can support this regardless. Removing falling damage was a good thing, but...
Biggest WB drawback for me is the non-availablilty of certain models I'd like to take. - Long Ya - ShangJi HMG - Tian Gao - Ye Mao - YuJak...
I totally expect there is no HMG in a ShangJi box, given the usual useless profiles that CB tends to put in boxes to make us buy blister later and...