Yes, Yan Huo would be the favorite, alone for the looks. But I like the active B2 ML option to attack defensive HMG pieces. Cheap orders is also a...
This should also be a valid Haris now, right?
Something like this:
One of my favorite IA lists has the combo used in N3 to great success. The list is now cheaper, but also has to deal with new threats. Some...
Has anyone tried the Zuyong HMG with regeneration? I'm still wanna make him work in my Vanilla lists, but did not find enough space/points for it...
I'm currently building lists for an upcoming tournament and I decided to give IA another go. While building my lists, I found that I almost never...
Great work, this does illustrate so very nice where the current problems with fireteams are. They also reveal problems in sectorial balancing....
I 100% agree.
Color scheme and execution are fantastic. Keep them coming! I do grind myself through the flood of Shas on my painting desk and I'm a bit envious...
I once played something like this. It was feeling good, although it was ripped apart by a Cutter....
Releasing models for this 1y old sectorial would be my modest proposal. I like the new monk render very much, but if I had to choose, I'd rather...
You do what we all wish CB would do. Give us more minis and weapons options for our existing armies! :-D Great work.
I like the helmet on helmet knight. Its silly, true, but its also iconic.
For Vanilla, I'll always choose a LT2 with camostate over a LT1 without. Being a HI does not help to stay the LT in this meta also. Too often has...
I had good results with my Krit in Vanilla. This comes more or less all from his NCO and Minelayer ability. If going second, he looses a big chunk...
After a good start on the Blue Wolf in November, there was a certain game released in Dezember which I had to investigate for possible color...
Don't know if this came up yet: The Holoecho State on page 122 states: (emphasis mine): --- Automatic when deployed, placing up to three...
The problem I have with the clipping is that it is harder to measure correctly. There will be players that'll try to use that rule and clip more...
Looking very good, keep them coming. Always nice to see how much variance there is on "orange/yellow" models.
Well said, I 100% agree.