There is an option in army to print the fireteam chart for the default army list. As this is very good that it is available from the start, I'd...
What ever rule they decide on, I hope it helps getting troops from their original faction a reason to be played. Nothing bothers me more these...
This painting is so good, I'd love to press that like button more then once!
YJ, what a question.
Finally, my default Chain of Command model was delivered and painted. I'm not yet 100% sold on the profile, but the model is nice. A bit big in...
Since the start of N4, I learned that attacking a repeater heavy faction with shiny HI troopers leads to disaster. So why not replace them with a...
Old but N4 gold. After competing with the Ninja KHD for a whole edition, the Kanren KHD is now the clear winner in N4 for me. Clearing mines and...
For a small tournament in November 2021, I updated my Vanilla YJ N4 game with some useful profiles. First one was the Liu Xing MR profile that I...
Since we soon got a model with the Heavy Shotgun, has anyone tried to send the HSG to the enemy DZ? In theory, the marker state with re-camo...
I'm more in line with Sedrals approach. Both in number of hackers and profiles chosen. The exact profile chosen comes down to the mission played...
I pushed it, because I played without the requirement for 1,5 years and was just recently made aware by battle reports that this is still an open...
Any update yet on this? @HellLois
Interesting. For me, that just killed the game. Every faction getting the same profile is more a downside for me. As someone else stated, it...
I recently found this in my inbox: [MEDIA] This whole video and diorama was inspired by a rulebook! Please CB, inspire us again :wink:
btw, can anyone here remember the online campaigns that came our regularly and that actually wrote tiny bits of the story? Even with the rather...
In recent days, I though about why I felt the need to post the initial thread and what motivated me to do so. First of all, I'm very glad the CB...
I'm looking for 15mm tokens that I can use in my Command Board. For all others I also tried the way you described. I had some trouble with the...
Do you know any service that can print these markers as 15mm (optional double sided) acrylic markers? I'd love to have these instead of the...
I ended up buying 40mm acrylic tubes which I'll cut to size and eventually paint. I'll also do that for all my S2 markers now, since I like the...
Hey, I was just looking for suitable markers / siluettes for the Long Ya, but only found mostly outdated shops with N3 style camouflage...