All satellite army lists are available here Here you go my dudes
Hi everyone! Please see attached for the ending results and scoreboards. I'll be posting them as links because the Infinity forums are really...
I'll be posting it in a thread in the events section, Facebook, the South Wales gaming centre website (few days after) and the something awful...
RE: UK Satellite. I was the TO for that one. I am going to be posting a blog entry with placements, faction breakdowns and top 5 lists sometime...
Event done! Thanks everyone though I'm ready to collapse with dead throat
I actually quite like some of Darts tactics but they are clunky, I completely agree. The one edge Dart has over Lunah in this situation is being...
Noice. I'm keen to get a model, Combined has some excellent drop troops.
Yup, it takes a few games and some pre-planning through your turn, but she is incredibly good. #TeamBixie
Managed to rack up 6 Poison States on him, needless to say, he is rather brutal!
Cadmus? Share thoughts on that one, I havent tried him yet.
Bump! Don't forget everyone that the list submission deadline is tomorrow! :) @spears @WarHound @Solar @Aspect Graviton
I'm a huge dumb ass and forgot to paste the reigstration list to this event. Deadline for submission is a week away! :D
Protheion is a great skill, glad to see even more of it. I've had KD eat Achilles which was pure muahahaha territory. Took half my army to get to...
Hurp knew I forgot someone. The bloody reason I was taking it.
Messer, Sheskiin and Hasht. The Magical Super Space aliens Team. Dakka dakka dakka
I think on first thought - I'd end up running that first scenario as a drop and a bye for that first player after talking about them with it. - If...
Isn't adding a new dome also just adding complexity? You don't have to play the reverse side missions if you don't want to.
Gotcha. Was trying to figure out if THEY were a wildcard and thought I'd missed something massive. Thankfully not! :)