I'm with @Mahtamori on this. The disappointment in the initial reaction (ignoring usual hyperbole) about IA has been sustained through a year's...
So I've just finished a visual league with WBA as well. My thoughts were that it was an interesting way to really trial the new units but...
And it's holding a big ass hammer... :grin:
It was a good game in the end but unfortunately I lost 4-2. Everything did what it needed to turn 1 and the Tiger took out his engineer and...
Bugger, good point! Must have swapped it in the points juggling. Will let you know how it plays out, hopefully my opponent doesn't run a Jotum...
Thanks for the thoughts. Definitely some ideas I'll consider changing. As I should have made clearer, this kinda all stems from the question:...
Now I've got a game of Hunting Party against SWF and was hitting a wall with choices in WBA. The problem wasn't the lack, but the prevalence of...
Wholeheartedly agree. It always confused me why AP had no effect on cover or low armour units. Including cover in the AP effect would do this,...
With the new Medkit rules the paramedic has the same chance of recovering high PH HI as the doctor, allows you to have multiple medics, and...
No explanation of how Monofilament interacts with crits unless I missed something? Presuming just another armour save.
Sorry to necro this but wanted to clarify an interaction. In a recent game I had a Tian Gou KHD using Holo 1 pretend to be a HI. On running into...
I think that's kind of the point. As in the real world, better physical condition allows you to survive battlefield casualty treatment. This seems...
Cheers. Never knew about the Repeater reveal before either!
Apologies if these have already been answered but I couldn't find them. With the new Long Ya for WBA I wanted to clarify two interactions: 1)...
Beyond Kaldstrom maybe?
I love the Red Veil Daofei sculpt! Apart from the disconnect with him waving a sword he's one of my faves
3 camo units in the starter if we interpret Hùndùn Ambush Unit as aligning with the "legendary faceless being" of Chinese mythology.
What are we thinking for the Vermilion Bird Shock Infantry Regiment? Edit: Surely not another drop troop?
I agree that if offers a lot of potential to differentiate the skirmishers which is definitely a good thing for faction/unit identity and...
An interesting concept would be if some models, like the Yan Huo, had Suppression L2 (-6) for when it goes into SF. This could pair with...