As much as it pains me to be losing factions I've been very vocal over the years about how bloated the game has become. Sad that it's spiral on...
We need a sad emoji on the forums
Shame, I really liked spiral. They had good flavour and interesting design. Hopefully a lot of their alien stuff just gets merged into tohaa proper
This has happened before with earlier profile defections and it has always garnered the same response from the community. To expect it to be...
Going back to n2 times with the old tiger msr!
Guessing it's gonna be an Airborne Insertion Regiment (air)
Nah, it'll just mean 3rd party apps like mayanet and battlescribe will come back into regular use again
As weird as it sounds, I'd like to see a massive reduction in profiles across the board to allow better balance. The game has suffered several...
If it means we finally get smoke and wip13 specialists I'm cool with it
It'll certainly be interesting to see whether they actually have the guts to cull factions they have no intention of developing or whether they'll...
Early infinity metal kits were frequently awful with slippages, warpages and breakages. Speak to any vet from 2e and mention the words "nomad...
I hope you're right but I have a feeling there's some serious mental gymnastics going on here. Nothing CB have done recently indicates tohaa is a...
Guessing fire teams could change a bit from what they are now though
I'd expect that all tohaa will probably be under a legacy faction added later with a few minimalist tweaks to make them barely functional in n5....
Unless there's major changes with spiral they're not in the base n5 game until na2 gets feathered in at some undisclosed time in the future. Would...
Talk I saw elsewhere from attendees was that acon is getting replaced. As in not rebooted, not relaunched, replaced. What that actually means in...
If it's got a decent gun and the ability to leverage it it will be a most welcome addition.
Amazing necro posting here chaps but nothing has changed since 2019. It's still a garbage-tier piece due to price, crap stats, irreg status and...
These are my picks for spiral. In particular the diplo is a steal, the kriigel offers a lot of utility as a lieutenant and the kaurii is a really...
I wouldn't be surprised to be getting vehicles at some point.