In James's defense, he didn't actually spend two command tokens. He did put Aida in suppression, and the comment about two orders from my second...
Thanks for the corrections. I lost some of my post game analysis due to editing on two different computers over time, but I managed to recover...
If I Can't, No One Can [IMG]
La BĂȘte et la BĂȘte [IMG]
Yeah that was pretty brutal. =/ Yu Jing Quickening [IMG]
Good feedback. The Xeodron can see Bit and Kiss if you possess it is what I was getting at. The last puzzle was indeed pretty complicated. Also...
Mission 049: Different Point Values [IMG] Painting Entries 011: AD Troops [IMG] Painting Contest 012: Zero G and Total Terrain [IMG]
Final tournament game: The Third Player [IMG]
Sometimes the stars align and I have a block of extreme availability followed by no games for a month. Feast or famine... Get out of the Robot? [IMG]
Mindtaker Tournament, Game 1 Trading Taigha [IMG] Post Taigha nerf, the list from this game is fine, I basically lose the R-Drone and gain a...
Thanks @burlesford. I have indeed been pretty cautious with it, probably too cautious. I haven't checked those batreps yet. I will have to do so...
I don't think this is a Ramah or vanilla CA issue. I just got outplayed, period. I was pretty unfocused and made some significant but not...
Chainsaw Senpai [IMG]
I've just spammed a bunch of people's emails, please check your emails for the Google form to submit addresses!
Since the last Infinity the Academy puzzle generated a fair bit of discussion in the thread, I'll start a new thread so people can share their...