It's still competitive if the goal is to win. Competition is not just tournaments. You might not be super hardcore about it and make some...
I'm happy for a Squalo resculpt, as the current one has always discouraged me because of how it looks.
Are there any promo/review pics for the new O-Yoroi out yet? I'm hoping that one comes without issues.
It absolutely is. There are several DZ to DZ fire lanes judging from the angle the pic was taken at. I feel like CB needs to more clearly define...
Love me that meteor zond and Machaon. Is the meteor available anywhere outside Nomads?
Isn't the Penitent S5? I thought they were only siocasting REMs and S6+
This a hundred times. Mission specific, free in terms of points and army slots, but fairly generic to keep them in check. Corsair Bashis with DZ...
IMO he's very difficult to fit into a list because all he does is shoot in a faction that does shooting better in other places. A plain spitfire...
It's a mixed bag but not as bad as other starters. The only real dud is the Zulu Cobra Spitfire, the rest varies from vital (Kamau Sniper), to...
According to them it's nearly identical quality to their metal infantry.
Not sure if this was intentional, but the two recently released novels did shift the focus back onto a smaller scale, much in contrast to the...
Love them Koalas. Is there any info on what material they'll be, considering they also come with the new O-Yoroi?
Since these are going to be the "navy" of the CA, I'D expect the main theme to be zero-gravity troopers. Their exoskeletons could easily be styled...
That was a lot to process. I am very excited and yet worried about what "Endsong" will mean for the setting and the game. Getting Warhammer...
So is that new material still Siocast or something else entirely? EDIT: derp, there is a whole new thread about this.
The same criticisms have been voiced on the international discord and on the German discord. New design choices will always result in mixed...
I'm a bit bit torn on this first glance to be honest. Way too many swords for my taste, this is not MO. Not sure I like the S2 infantry at all,...
It's useful against linked MSV as long as you don't attack them directly. You can still just walk past them or attack their non-MSV link team...
I'm confident they are not "just doing what they feel like". They might occasionally push a passion project through between the major releases,...
We should also acknowledge that CB's releases are not solely tied to a unit's relevance within the confines of the game. There is also artistic...