Not even the Dokkaebi? I remember people being very excited about getting access to a pitcher in YJ.
Pretty sure that was nimbus grenades, right?
No, that's necessarily implied in this context.
CB has been kinda lacking recently in my view. Not even sure what it is exactly, but none of the releases since maybe the O-Yoroi have excited me,...
Yeah, it's just one strategy to keep in mind against these overbearing ARO threats in general. It might not always be feasible, because you need...
Coordinated orders can also work. Atalanta can only ARO one model at a time, so three of the four attacks will go uncontested and likely take her...
If you cannot appreciate the beauty of a self-reloading mine dispenser, I don't know what to tell you. Jokes aside, she brings several unique...
It's like three steps down Have you tried the FB trading group and discord?
Wrong loadout, impractical pose and limp sword syndrome. Very unfortunate.
I guess that is a fair point. You can adjust modifiers to the point of eliminating randomness past certain thresholds, but maybe that's just...
I see the issue you're describing and those triggers and MODs were just made up on the spot, so they should be tweaked accordingly to circumvent...
There should just be levels for NBW mirroring MA. That way, you can fine tune who can counter what. As it is, there is too much NBW around.
After a couple of games: Commlink is a heavy tax that likely needs some change. It's a largely underwhelming profile that eats 8% of your main...
What would you like to take and can't?
Blocker looks ace
Domaru do! Not sure if there are more. But yeah, I'm also expecting this always to be a variation of Miranda and Sforza + X or Anaconda +X.
For leaner groups, this can also work fine: [IMG]5 [IMG]1...
There is even a specific passage stating that, in those cases, the player has to decide which fire team to keep active. [ATTACH] This does only...
Only once your reinforcements hit the table. If you haven't lost 100 points in your first turn, chances are that shaolin haris is no longer intact...
It does read like the commlink troop is an exception. It would be weird otherwise to specify the timing of the deployment if it were just a...