Frenzy kicking in the moment they cause a wound would be great and impetuous units shouldn't gain cover ever. The only benefit of having them in a... this is the actual pilot didn't find her on the corvusbelli she is not as bad looking as...
Different table support different playstyle *shrug* Of course its also a matter of what kind if missions we play. Snipers are best covering long...
The way our tables are laid out if the sniper covers some objective it doesn't cost many orders to kill it. If it doesn't cover anything...
Also if the difference between a unit generating an order or not generating one is that they are a trooper does that mean that all the rules that...
For me its the other way around ;) in my meta ARO pieces will be killed most of the time attacked in the first two orders so a taagma with a...
Yeah the army builder tells us how many orders are generated. Is it correct to assume now that the army builder is needed to play the game because...
In the past I used Gao Sniper, Sukeul ML and Kaeltar CoC Triad a lot for defensive but I disliked it more and more. What I am using now is Mines...
You can leave symbiont armor but you can't regain it: Spending one Short Skill of the Order,...
Another example of a unit you add that doesn't generate orders are servants. You add them individually they got an order symbol on their profile...
Yeah well Tohaas new HI the Kiel is fun but not really worth taking in a competive environment. That may be more a problem of Tohaa in general...
They are bad proxies for Kaauri...I actually sold them got the SC box after selling all the stuff I dont want for less than 40 bucks, kept the...
So many strategies I need to try out and not enough oponnents for that :( Thank you borings that makes sense
Well thats great gonna use bombs as proxies xD
So why are the reex minis the wrong size? They are more like s2 than as s1 Am I even allowerd to use the reex minis for the reex profile? Because...
What do you mean with "light" HI? The Kiel seems pretty heavy to me?
Thank you for explaining, I comepltly forgot that Kriigel got White Noise. That is useful you are right.
Sukeul FO sounds like a good fit for the Kriigel gotta try it out thanks :)
What exactly is the purpose of the kriigel in that triad? It has no specialist so the triad will probably mostly stay back and go for the long HMG...
In tohaa they dont have special fireteam triad so if no more makauls are avaible the kamael is a better choice. Only case I see if you maxed out...