Thats true but doesn't mean that they are always taken. Thanks to makauls there are many tohaa lists using eclipse to get close for CC, HFT etc...
The sight blocking is helpful for lists/armys that don't have a lot of longe range and need to get closer so would change a lot of list building...
There are mission that needs the reatreat rules. What I would like to see more missions that don't need the crutch of retreat to encourage playing...
Tohaa is my first and pretty much only army, had no real problem with the tohaa rules I have way more problems understanding the enemies...
Taht would work too, another idea I just had is that units with mates, don't loose their stats if they "loose" armour. So they get the wound but...
Spiral Corps is missing makauls so a no from me ;) I think there are many reasons why Tohaa isn't popular for new players generally. For once no...
Gorgos got an G:Sync unit so its never solo and as long as it got g:sync it can't be in any fireteam ;)
Triads are the main reason I am playing Tohaa I love the theme of 3 "friends" working together moving around etc I love the flexibility of being...
Mhmm I thought he meant he wants to play Tohaa not spiral corps not that he won't use SC units that are in Tohaa, he can decide for himself
Yeah thought perimeter weapons would trigger if in stand by mode and enemy aros in their coc. Just checked it you are right its strictly aro. But...
you can trigger the targeted state with the bugs and when the smart rocket launcher can guided fire it to death and beyond
Mutan with combi is actually a decent killer 3.5 wounds burst 3 combi burst 2 contender (DA) means in the 8-16 range you can hurt or kill a lot of...
So someone placing all his units to cover the objective in looting and sabotage is ridiculous? It doesn't take order and forces the enemy to take...
Not every list has smoke. Cutter+Knight of the holy sepulchre(coc)+swiss guard 235p/4,5swc still enough points for retreat and swc left. Yeah is...
What is the opposite? Your argument sounds like spiral should get bigger because spiral tries to increase its reputation?
There are lists especially pano list there you are pretty much forced to shoot the enemy into retreat before doing objectives. If my opponent got...
Yeah just taking the retreat out of the missions wouldn't be the solution, the missions would need to be adjusted accordingly. Honestly after...
There are no rules against it ;) and as I said I don't know anyone who would even try it. Sure the TO can houserule that its not allowed but...
In a few months we can buy the libertors :) Looking forward to that, sure most of the time he is in marker but I use him often enough that I want...
To the topic of reatreat, as far as I know its perfectly legal to bring a 80 point list score a few vicotry points with suicide rush and then do a...