I am playing only Tohaa so thinking about the tools I have as a Tohaa, Mates Mates Mates seems mostly the answer to create effective speed bumps ;)
So thanks to tactical awareness I started thinking how I would create a list for Limited Insertion that would allow me to survive an Alpha Strike....
Back to topic, as a thought I tried to create a limited insertion list that can handle an alpha strike from a Avatar/Sphinx/Cutter, that have 11+...
The question seems more suited for the rules forum but against smoke tricks, having your own msv 2 (gao rael) to shoot back could help or don't...
You can choose Custom mission in battle report so I guess as long as you played a game you can report it to any of the locations
I played Biotechvore once in a tournament, I had a defensive triad I think 2 gao sniper and 1 sukeul missile launcher all with mates that I simply...
If I take Hatail Keesan I probably take the viral loadout because I personally think that Viral is stronger than K1 in nearly all cases
So Jotum the K1 is worth it in its best range band, nice
So your primary anti Tag weapon is the HMG, cause makauls CC is even harder than K1 combi range. Sadly you are right against most TAGs the HMG is...
What would be your Nr1 Tag Killer weapon in Tohaa?
Thats why I play and love Tohaa for me 3 is the perfect number for a link team to move around. You have diversity in units without dead weight
@Einhorn to be quite Honest, Sir. My guess is that this are is simply to intresting cause every other faction withdrew from here.
Thank you Kaeltar Specialist Ereev "Einhorn" Daavi, sadly I, Choo "ChoTimberwolf" Sakuul, patrolled in a pretty far off quadrant so had a low...
Also Rasail is great with the extra order. Linked units can't use the extra order so I dislike using them. Kiel, Rasail and Kerail seems like the...
Viral also has shock 2 bts rolls with shock. Nwis and dogged love our virals xD
You can also make pretty decent Tohaa lists with at least 1/3 being mercs: https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_801.svg...
For me I would prefer if mercs only fit specific roles and are not generally good to take. Liberto and krakot feel a bit to generally useful. But...
I think for many or at least me its about internal balances. I feel that the armys are pretty well balanced between each other sure some are a bit...
@meikyoushisui nice summary, I agree with many points. As a Tohaa player I think mates should just be deleted haven't seen any real way to make...
Ah yeah sorry take 3 clipsos FO and when Target the shit out of the enemy and when burn it all to the frigging GROUND! That the way educated...