@Lady Numiria are you ok? Blink twice if you require assistance. We've seen how "Diplomatic" the Rasyat Division is.
OOC: That's great news! Looking forward to it!
It stabilized now that everyone's not trying to sign in at once.
Excellent work!
Thank you! I'm hoping to get in-person games for the campaign, otherwise it will be TTS and recreating the screenshots with my minis at home. I...
Shattergrounds Online Campaign Prologue Part 2: Shattered Plans [IMG] Zulqibar Station, HQ of Qapu Khalqi Fleet, was busier than ever. Traders,...
Shattergrounds Online Campaign Prologue Part 2: Shattered Plans [IMG] Zulqibar Station, HQ of Qapu Khalqi Fleet, was busier than ever....
[img] Silly doodle with a Dragon Ball Z background I used on my Shattergrounds Prologue
Warning: Minor Spoilers from ENDSONG lore book Shattergrounds Online Campaign Prologue: Return of The Sand Cats! [IMG] Boarding Party! with...
Thanks! The Belles and the boxes I drew and painted. The background was AI generated and blurred just to not show them against a blank canvas.
Thank you so much! I hadn't noticed!
All dressed up with nowhere to go [img] I rebuilt and repainted my Odalisque version of The Wrecking Bells to play QK with the new reinforcements...
https://assets.corvusbelli.net/army/img/logo/factions/qapu-khalqi.svgFalling Angels ────────────────────────────────────────────────── [img]4...
It's not twisted when you factor in it's the only meta where everyone plays in the same table for each mission and can actually practice on it...
Thanks! It's what drew my into tabletop games, and what makes Infinity my favorite one. The games themselves feel cinematic, and writing in-game...
Doodles from the Operation Hungry Walrus Campaign so far [IMG] Scarlet Tanager re-marries her ex-husband, Sheikh Dumar Al Dagher. [IMG] Homage...
[IMG] OPERATION HUNGRY WALRUS An unofficial Infinity The Game global campaign brought you by A Tale of Miniatures and Dice Site: Operation...
MIssion Critical 2023 005: Artichoke Heart The Wrecking Belles approached the abandoned industrial park stealthily, but in full force. Scarlet...
MISSION CRITICAL 2023 004: Into the wolf’s mouth “I don’t like it!” said Obliterette crossing her arms and pouting. “Blit, when have you liked...