Ditto this, since the hacking threat is more meaningful, the 'real' TO Camo unhackable guy with C+ really fits the bill by pecking people from...
Ha ha ha HRMC goes brrrrrt
Since they still count as one trooper. And strategic SF mode can make one trooper to start in SF mode, so?
This is hilarious. I GOTTA DO THIS ASAP.
That implies posthumans can enter triple SF modes too. Yeah, that's the rule no.0 of Infinity, every rule favors posthumans for its best ;)
A guy from our groups asks that the strategic usage of tokens enables a trooper to enter SF mode at the beginning of the game. Puppet Tactica's...
DTWs like Nanopulsers or Chain Rifles got intuitive trait, but shotgun blast mode does not have that trait. Guess it's unable to shoot intuitives :(
Wait, do we got intuitive trait on shotguns? Their profile lacks the ability to shoot intuitive attacks.
Huh, guess I'll need to get that habits too.
I find it quite underwhelming when the listbuilding comes down to AP mines. Unlike its former counterpart (Shock mines for now :P) AP mines, now...
As far as I've been answered, the marked stats (like, Rokots infiltration - 8) is the baseline attribute for those units when trying to infiltrate...
I'm currently very interested in hacking heavy WB lists. Yeah our boy Guilang got super buff of laying repeaters mid-field, and now jack and jill...
Yeah I got your points, they're significantly less threatening in CC. But my point was that their size (S1) and ability to lurk inside tiny covers...
While I like the change, the adjustment of impetuous phase will make frenzy skill into a new level of joke. Hurray for Hospitallers! P.S) FFS,...
I love all the endless nitpicking and whining, but guess I'll have to shut up because you gotta respect negative opinions, eh?
TAG gets hit with adhesive (or PARA) which provokes Imm-A. Do they use their own PH attribute for determining the paralysis test, or they use...
Shame WB did not got a proper core, but guess I can live with it by making a guerrilla playstyle. Hundun's HD gave it a massive boost!
Super excited to see all the changes. I really look forward N4!
What if Adil crits? does that make it roll 2 rolls for immobilize?
So PH 11 dodge vs Para palm. Totally acceptable