Just a friendly reminder that only Musashi and Shona changes made it into the army, the rest are still missing.
Do peripherals get cover if the controller is impetuous?
I agree with the fireteam bonuses being a problem, but to fix it it would be easier to change the fireteam rules, not the entire game around it....
If anything, the Multi HMG is overpriced, but the HRMC Yan Huo is vastly underpriced. It's a BS14 DAM 15 burst 5 AP shooter with 2 wounds and 5...
What sort of problems you think would come from rewriting the rule to make you want to make such a drastic change on the profile?
This isn't real life and if reactive turn bursts were equal to active turn bursts, there wouldn't ever be any incentive to move forward. Giving...
Simply removing the sectorial army list requirement would work.
I'm not convinced the "fixed" Yan Huo neurocinetics works as intended. Even though the burst bonus is now written on the special skill, it's still...
I'm with you man, I so wanted free Duos in vanilla...
Don't know what you're on about: REQUIREMENTS ► The Trooper possessing this Special Skill must belong to a Sectorial Army List, or have a Special...
Chaksa Auxiliar HRL can shoot its Light Shotgun in Guided mode for sillyness. There's no reason to however, in Guided mode the HRL is better in...
Give Kiss a deployable repeater.
Yeah, meant Irregular, brainfarted impetuous, sorry.
I'm inclined to agree, though it makes me a tiny bit sad. :disappointed_relieved:
Do you have to specify which camo marker, if you have several? For example, would stating "One of my camo markers has the Booty skill, so I'll...
If you really need lof at the time of declaration, then you wouldn't be able to shoot back at someone that popped out of total cover and went back...
The intent of Look Out! feels like the targets are supposed to only be able to change their facing, yet I don't feel this has been explicitly...
Best thing about Zero Pain is that it gives them better protection against Jammers. But it requires active usage compared to a passive bonus, like...
So their stats are not in the rulebook currently? I'm not crazy?
What are the silhouette values for CrazyKoalas, MadTraps, Deployable Repeaters and other such deployable equipment? Can they even be targeted with...