Being in a duo is only 25% less order efficient than 2 impetuous orders and you gain cover and the ability to actually decide in what direction...
Congrats CB, that was a great first kickstarter
Agnes at 1.14m By god
Hawkwood seems... okay. Maybe a bit bloated. Depending on where he is available he could be great though
Now that's a proper riot
Free expansion lads! :tada:
I mean, he's kinda ass
"I'll spend an order on the Megalodron, any AROs?" "yeah, literally everyone I have has an ARO"
At the same time, if there were a mission where it is used as part of the scenery/environmental hazard I would be down
It would be hard to fit in Infinity balance-wise, if they just give it rules as if it were a regular TAG it would probably end up being underpowered
I am in awe at the size of this lad Absolute UNIT
Guys. It has crab legs guys. Guys. I want it
830k, will we see it?
I'm guessing we'll find out in 500 bucks, hold on to your hats
Caskuda or not we riot Always down for a good riot
Caskuda? Fractaa TAG? RootAvatar?
It's yuge Kinda hoping for a gigantic fractaa TAG
I would like to suggest that perhaps there should be some sort of "passive" skill to combat impersonators/marker states, since there seems to be...
Nomad SpecOps and Midnight Sun Analyst