I think it'd fit the bill if it came with a 360-degree visor and a Red Fury. But that strikes me as pretty unlikely given the presence of what...
No it doesn't. I realize that 40K is the gold standard around here whenever people want to run down some aspect of N3 they dislike, but a 5-man...
I would never play this mission with NCA. But if I did, I'd run Auxbot spam: [IMG] Neoterran Capitaline Army...
I :hearts: Mierce, and that's all I'll say on that because this is not the place to be discussing such things. They're a Panzerfaust, obviously.
There will always be whining. The mini looks fine, if more than a little like a spess mehreen. But MO has always had that aesthetic, it's not as...
Since when did PanO have a "superior sculpts" privilege? GDF is an improvement on his old model if nothing else.
Ninja'd! Yeah, just thought of that myself. Regardless, it was an interesting exercise to work through since it made some things clear to me...
Definition of MODs is here: http://infinitythewiki.com/en/Modifiers No mention of Burst. But, the description of Fireteam bonuses says: "in the...
If they'd wanted Guard to be a nice, fluffy addition to the game rather than just another CC skill table, they should have given it a constant +1...
Free Agent? Wait, wait, no: they'll all come back as members of Star Co. Screw everyone else. That's the ticket! :-)
My money says we'll see resculpts of the Ectros and Sakiel before we see the Taquel. Which wouldn't be a bad thing. The existing models are ....
I was only dimly aware that it was happening, don't really care about its impact. Meh.
Yeah, I'm lost, can someone post a link? EDIT: Nevermind, thanks!
@psychoticstorm Amen, brother.
I say don't play spec-ops.
Doesn't look female at all? Huh... OK. Don't worry, you'll get female Securitate, and they'll almost certainly be readily identifiable as such...
If you hit them from out of their LOF, they eat a -3 to those dodge rolls. And as @ambisinister observes, leaving a flamer pointed at them forces...
So, related: Automedkit and Regeneration? Maybe allow us to spend a command token for a reroll on a trooper with a Cube, just like using the...
Or maybe the Hindus see the AI's manifestations as authentic expressions of those different gods/demons. In other words, perhaps they perceive...