Quite! Anyway, if you tinker you can get a much better outcome, I didn't say these were optimal, I just tossed them together. Also, if you...
I crunched some numbers not too long ago, and a Kazakh v. OSS box is eminently doable from the perspective of points. Just to give an example...
I agree with you 100% here. Unless you play JSA, this is not even close to an earth-shattering development.
I'm sorry, have you met Corvus Belli? "CB, I'd like you to meet Fire Broadside; Fire Broadside, this is CB." Tin-eared translations and awkward...
Oh, good call!
The guy on the left looks like a samurai drop-troop (funny hat and what looks like a long sheath coming off his right side). The silhouette on...
I know my WarCor is one of those who posted it, and he's plugged in. It's legit.
@MPGA: I'm just not going to pick up Varuna until I get my sexy Croc baby. Just gonna play with my artichokes instead. :-)
Resculpts that--from everything I've heard/read--went over about as well as the terrible movie they were based on. Was SS a success in Spain or...
Peanut Butter If you fail your Peanut Butter roll, you are immobilized until you can find a glass of water. (sorry, not sure what it stands for)
How's this for speculation? Mimitism, aquatic terrain, visors, and above-average BS. If you want fun toys, do what I did: play something other...
March releases are up on CB's FB page. Kind of an underwhelming month as far as volume of new sculpts goes. $10 says we get a new sectorial via...
Everyone is assuming the focus of the YJ pic was JSA. What if it's Sun Tze and his agents instead? Because if it is, and if MO is also involved,...
Nudging the discrete corner of the narrative involving JSA's teenage angst toward big daddy state-empire forward all of six inches doesn't really...
I'm curious to see what they'll do with the fluff. I haven't been impressed with the recent mini-story arcs they've been doing with the...
@BaronVonZorcula: If you were looking for a rational discussion regarding likely advancements to firearm technology in the next two centuries,...
What Hiereth said. Also, when the new Kamau profiles dropped Bostria was giddy about their fireteam potential, and chattering about other...
I feel like the new DF box was catching up with the release of USARF and OCF over the last couple of years, I don't think it's an indicator of...
We all knew that Varuna and Tunguska were incoming, it's nice to see Vedic in the mix as well. If they're releasing two new sectorials via...