You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you.
so Tohaa is keeping the Tractormul?? :the_horns::the_horns::the_horns::the_horns: edit: i say this because i lovingly converted a Tohaa bio REM...
There is zero reason to invalidate this profile. I'm not a forumite naysayer, but if they do, that'll be a dumb decision.
Commander K'thuluu reporting for duty.
i mean yeah, you are still here.
Says the guy who admits he doesn't even play and is internationally known for only saying negative things. I think half the internet safely...
This seems like an anecdote not a pattern. There are too many variables to declare the sky is falling and Steel Phalanx is OP.
Did the Reinforcement profile for Auxilia always have the E/Mitter or was that added?
That's exactly what i did. I also use them as Gao Tarsos for my Tohaa.
it's optional, so just don't use it.
Absolutely loving the depth and detail of this game.
Honestly, i'd just ask on Infinity Global Community or the Tohaa specific Face Book pages. You are much more likely to get quick and useful...
that plague doctor is possibly my favorite model now. I'm 100% sold.
that would be a badass box and i'd buy the hell out of that. I absolutely love the Anaconda model...but if they do a resculpt, having the TAG...
I'm just glad they included the Anaconda. It's loadout is made for the midfield. But other than the Exrah character, exactly what i expected.
that's what i was secretly hoping for the most.
The rules are fine buddy. I was disappointed there were no new profiles pal. Those are two different things mate.
i wasn't expecting any resculpt, but a fun or cool new profile on an existing model would have made me happy. We got nothing.
yeah that....was a let down.
Oh, we are moking people on meds and Nuada...I mean camo token likes it. Sure thing buddy.