HOLY #### I didn't realize that. That does add a new element to it.
If you send them the email and tell them you lost the piece of paper with the number on it, they'll still replace it. This isn't rocket surgery.
I don't remember you calling for the thread to be locked....
*working on converting a Triphammer* the odds of rolling something useful on a TAG are pretty good. I plan on sticking to the cheapest profile...
i'm looking for someone to call someone else a racist or any kind of bigot. By the time BINGO is called, the thread is usually locked. Next time...
And there's the 'corporate shill' reference. One more and i can call bingo.
And there's the Nazi reference. Called it!
Funny how you think if we had the ban hammer, you'd still be here. How many times have you directly insulted other members, staff, CB employees...
Let's talk the new profiles from TAG Raid. we got three new profiles: a camo dude with flamethrower and Panzerfaust an HI with chain rifles and...
I'm talking about an actual pilot inside the TAG. Remote piloted TAG pilots don't suffer from being tired and hungry or even getting injured....
Does the active player need more of an advantage? Do we want to make shooting more complicated?
As long as they keep using actual pilots, they won't have the best man-machine interface.
people say negative things all the time. Try saying something positive on the Forums. You'll be called a corporate shill, evil capitalist, white...
Didn't you get kicked off for being argumentative and toxic? I remember you getting banned when you started insulting me and swearing at me when...
Most are pretty cool, nice and positive.
Yet so many more people find FB more friendly and safe than the forums. The forums are a dumpster fire of constant bitching and name calling. WGC...
It looks like fur now and it'll look like fur once it's painted. Well done.