Will the factions be purged of the plethora of rando Mercenaries and Aristeia actors or are we still going to be plagued by these? I would prefer...
Funnily enough, me as Aleph player through and through couldn't care less we lost Achilles and co. XD But I do agree they handled it very badly....
Yeah, but it's already been mentioned in the video that he joined of his own free will, because Pandora convinced him. It's actually all a setup...
Based on behaviour, "liberal" anarchism is just a cop-out for anacho-capitalism. And Tunguska never had anything resembling "anarcho" part....
Eh, meh, I'm almost happy Achilles is gone (it warped the faction so much) but I'll miss Teucer. I liked the profile even though it wasn't any...
Thanks for adding updates. Honestly this has kinda drained a lot of excitement from me for WarCrow and from what I can see, the wider groups. I...
Correction: Bakunin Anarchists are not left wing, they are decidedly right-wing, in the style of anarcho-capitalists.
Yeah, Scions are the true winners in terms of miniatures. I can't wait until they come out.
Ooooh, thanks!!!
Any idea when do we get some profiles for factions? Rules are great first step but it's hard to see how it'll shape up on the table without the...
I love the neutral forces and events being a built-in part of scenarios! Definitively something that makes me want to pick up the game. The rules...
Good spot, thanks! :)
Page 304 (11 in PDF) says a stride is the "size of an infatry base (15mm)." Infantry base is 15mm??? That would mean miniatures are tiny......
Thanks :)
But will these sets be available for general purchase? I didn't back the Kickstarter (not a fan of them), but I'd want Scions to start with....
Wait, they're making Dawons LI? Damn it, they're really losing it. As for the sculpts, they're fine. Artalis and Riksha are very forgettable,...
Sorry, no, haven't had a game with reinforcements yet.
Here's one generic Aleph list I made some time ago with Marut: https://assets.corvusbelli.net/army/img/logo/factions/aleph.svgMarut + 2W...
You can try, but yeah, that's all your points. Asura rarely (never) pays off for me (still my favourite sculpt and unit in the entire game). Rudra...
It was a joy for the simple reason of seeing my opponents face when they realise it :D Otherwise... Tough but fun. First game was against the new...