I was listing to @RobertShepherd 's 2024 faction breakdown and he mentioned how good a duo of a Stigmaton and Orphan w/repeater was... What are...
Sombra is a hidden gem (literally). I like a haris of Gecko (which ever you have points for), Vostok and Wildcat engineer. You have a gunfighter...
Gecko, Vostok and Wildcat Engineer makes for an amazing Haris. If you need to win a gunfight against most line-troops, use the Vostok with Mk12...
Third on Bandits. I loved them and love the minis, but the stupid Booty rules completely soured me on them. Now it's Morans, or if I have the...
I mostly look at it from CJC's perspective... "Who the F#IK is this guy, comin' here, trying to lay down 'the law'?!?"
I mean, this is all opinions and anecdotes, but... Having Wildcat HRL in a four-man link makes them an amazing ARO & Active piece. 2 shots with...
I've never played a Raveneye or Lobo. Played Wildcats plenty (HRL is amazing) and MB are tough as nails. Evaders and Tysklons can link with MBs,...
Courage/Religious are binary skills. They either let you ignore guts checks against incoming fire or not. There's no "Courage[Dam 13]" skill to...
I only play USARF, so my knowledge is limited, but one thing I'd say is you're pretty short on "big guns" like missile launchers, HMGs (or AP...
Maybe, but the Hoplite actually was a pretty good pairing. 6-2 move doesn't slow down Aggy and you can generally keep the Hoplite back enough so...
So... Aggy is a pretty hard sell for Steel Phalanx. Only played him in one game, and he did OK, but didn't really do anything Achilles couldn't...
Trying Agamemnon (duo'd with a Hoplite Engineer) instead of Achilles in a local Resilience tournament this weekend. Partially just to see how it...
Yeah, I routinely forget that the (all) Wildcat gets MSV1...!
So there was a lot of buzz back and forth about this unit, and of course she/they aren't out yet... but has anyone played any games with them...
That's why I took the MB Hacker with Tinbot -6. Puts Anaconda at BTS 12 and Triphammer at BTS 9 (basically). Essentially giving them built-in...
So you're saying that a 150-180pts. link would be really good? That's exactly what I'd expect (talk to anyone that plays an Avatar, or X really...
Then make the other version of Achilles be in a fireteam and leave Rich, Corinthian Achilles as-is. Even better! Now there's a choice between...
Played the list in the tournament and it did really well. Knauf was a major threat, the TAG link was a solid center/firebase and the Zells/Diggers...
Let him join Myrmidon fireteams. It makes sense, gives him solid bonuses and doesn't "mess" with him too much. It's also a trade-off, since it'll...
Just wanting to confirm - the ITS15 deck has three "sections" in it - Tactical Objectives, Battle Conditions and Classifieds, correct? And when...