If for no other reason than no longer having to stop play to work out how to do a PH-6 save I am 100% in favor of the change
Just an idle thought but what if the 15 trooper cap only related to regular orders and you could include 2 complete groups by including 5...
Maybe N5 will see Yu Jing swapping Hac Tao and Daofei between sectorials back to where the original lore had them. I actually think both units...
Man do I miss Angel as the studio painter! [/ATTACH]
White Banner Expansion pack includes Hac Tao? So either that's a mistake or placeholder for the Silver Snake because the studio model hasn't been...
Raiden in lore were almost wiped out to a man so the battlefield roll was taken up by the Ryuken unit 9. They don't have a profile in Army any...
Did the artist call it a Silver Snake?
[IMG] This lovely item added to the prize pool
Do you have a source for the information you allude to about Silver Snakes?
I think its actually going to be better for the Close Combat master trooper. lets just take a Shaolin vs a Fusilier Monk has cc 23 and martial...
How far back are you going to when Nomads only had 2 TAGs? We are talking at least N2 right? maybe even 1st ed?
Can the sintering method be used to produce a die or mold for production of plastic injection miniatures? from my understanding of the process...
Do you think NBW will remove negative mods printed on unit stats also and not just the negative mods from Martial arts? If so that's a buff to...
It looks like maybe they have made the time and delayed the N5 launch. Season 16 will now be divided in two parts, one to be played with N4 using...
I really like the idea that there will be more troops that are only available in sectorials so that "vanilla" isnt just all of the things but a...
Does pure even matter in a Team that can only Haris?
Can Super Jump become a Short skill MOVE so you can use it in a link team without the rest of the team having to Idle? Climbing plus works that...
How about Kill Value? What is the KV of your weapon?
Can we also have the weapon entries of the thing you are masking as printed on your army list? I hate when my poor memory gives away that i am...
My complaint about the CC situation of late N4 is that Martial Arts and high CC value has a huge points cost associated with it and they have...