Obviously Turrets do ARO because if they didn't they could not use Total Reaction. So you can surprise attack a turret Turrets do trigger mines...
I believe if you have no PH value you auto fail your PH save.
Kinda seems silly that Turrets can't use Total Reaction since they cant ARO. [ATTACH]
Does that mean a turret that is the target of a BS attack through smoke can't react because they are not a trooper? [ATTACH]
So you are proposing that expert marksmen with level 3 Multi Spectral Visors are trained to shoot at the enemy feet just in case it is a mine?
And I haven't even finished painting my proxy Gudan conversions yet. [ATTACH][ATTACH] [ATTACH]
This post has 2 parts first; Am I correct with how the rules work? Second; How to we use our new Kanren? First Do the decoys get the mimetism -6?...
It is hit by a successful Attack. In this case, the replica Decoy does not make the Saving Roll and is simply removed.
Page 132 Red Box IMPORTANT A Fireteam’s Bonuses are Private Information until the player declares a BS Attack or Discover, or some other Skill...
No way a new game could support the GW rules model from scratch. It took decades of tomfoolery for GW to be able to charge the way they do. I'm...
It's getting to the point where they need to send alerts or push notifications when the forum is actually up.
Almost When trooper declares dodge then each opponent must apply a -3 to all face to face rolls. (the important part is that the modifier only...
I think that is pretty close to the RAW interpretation but I think some people are advocating for the shot auto failing because the Sx which is...
There is a picture of a sprue frame (runner to use the Gunpla parlance) of plane grey in some of the promotional images so I think they come as a...
Miniatures are apparently about 2 inches tall so could be a good small TAG proxy or a S5 proxy.
With MSV3 targeting a camo marker that is a mine where the base of the mine is in total cover I believe that the Attacker is able to target the...
Dear CB, Make Mines Silhouette 2 I truly don't understand why they insist on Mines being Sx after all this time. 200 years in the future will a...
Just make Mines S2.
Pretty safe to assume this is going to be the mechanic used for Kuang Shi Control device and possibly also the Monk Haris in WB
Can you talk me through your line of thinking here? What makes them better at killing HI but not TAGs?