The reason I asked is that there is a precedent for placing a deployable when that space becomes occupied later in the same order. As noted in...
Thinking about this FAQ and if the second dropbear would follow a similar principle of being deployed in another legal location. Q: When using...
Do you have a source to support the placing of one token and expending two ammo? How do we know 2 dropbears can not occupy the same point? I...
I want to try this one:
If you feel inclined to confuse yourself further you can take an "All Saladin" list that uses as many Holomasking profiles as possible where they...
I've played several games of Res Ops and I am enjoying the blind mission aspect and the battlefield conditions cards are an interesting addition...
None of the uses of Strategos reveal which mini is using the skill. "At the beginning of your Active Turn, during your Order Count, replace any...
Strategos is Open Information that is you must inform the opponent that you are using it. In order to use it the model using the skill must be...
I thought this was pretty much just the O-12 design philosophy
Are you building an All Joan Army? Not going to lie I'd kinda like to see that.
“And any of them activate” They don’t both need to be activating to get the bonus. The only trap is that when you already have one engaged and...
I stumbled upon the Facebook post so no assumption required.
Oh I see now: you asked on Facebook and got the answer you didn't like so came here hoping for a different answer but still got the one you didn't...