I think they have the Haqqislam releases timed for when the Animated Series come out.
Combined Army specifically Shavastii have Decoy + Combat Jump (Cadmus) and Decoy + Camouflage (Mentor) although both are only Decoy (1). So Decoy...
Warsenal has it for preorder now for those in the States.
I think the Shènjī is likely to be the engineer as we have seen elsewhere that it’s usually engineers that have the deployables. Picture with...
Has anybody noticed that the new Dossiers don't match the weapon options for the units in N5? [SPOILER]
Regarding the Queue, Its's not unheard of for a culture to take a former symbol of oppression and make it a positive symbol. Just look at the...
They don't stack because MA5 +12 to CC would just be silly and we would need rules for if a stat exceeded 40.
I think Burnt had a bigger impact on the game because in earlier editions there seemed to be more units returning to camo marker that there is in...
The example must be a mistake. MA level 5 is +1 B and +1 SD.
Technically Resin is a plastic.
It does make you wonder why they bothered to bring the +3 over to the N5 profile when it has no N5 application.
Can I have a page reference please?
How should nanoscreen interact with Ballistic Skill Attacks that do not use the BS attribute? For example Flashpulse is a BS attack that uses...
I'm picking the new box will have Bao because they have been discontinued for a while now. Rules wise some more Tac Aware and some NCO would...
Optional Camo Tokens added to the courtesy list. Optional holo-clones (from a holomasked and Holoprojectored unit) on courtesy list print as pdf...
you realise a special dice is as good as a burst bonus when the goal is to win face to face rolls in order to slow down the active enemy, 1SD is...
That has to be some kind of mistake
Which Faction has 5 minelaying Turret troopers?
If an Armed Turret doesn’t count as a trooper then why does it have Total Reaction? That only works for troopers.
MSV 3 can’t ARO against Camo tokens? Who are these IGL people? MSV 3 rule clearly says they can attack Camo tokens without need to discover and...