You really ask for being ridiculed, aren't you? Please don't try to be the victim after putting down assumptions and apprehensions at several...
Honestly dude, you need to calm down a bit. There has been no official statement yet...we don't know things until CB either releases a video or a...
This! Infinity in Germany has seen quite some growth over the last couple of years. But that's definitely due to intense efforts of dedicated...
Jep...that's what I wrote: as long as a Camo Marker hasn't revealed itself or has been previously discovered, it can not be the target of an...
A Camouflage Marker has not been discovered at the time the 2nd skill is it hasn't been discovered previously at that point in time... This is how we used them at the German Championship...I guess most people...
Congratulations to Haqqislam players for their tremendous performance! Well deserved (and very sympathetic I might add) overall winner. I really...
I really think that this should be the starting point for any discussion on fair play. Probably the best way to approach this topic as a TO is not...
The German Infinity Championship is over and we had a great weekend. Thanks to everyone making this some days to remember! Here are some fotos of...
Well...basically it's more about what "oneself is obliged to do" (and voluntarily choses not to do) and what "the other is allowed to do" (which...
Let me just quote from the wiki (emphasis added): "Private Information is information you can keep to yourself that your opponent cannot ask...
The courtesy list is not all what your opponent is allowed to's just what you are obliged to tell. I don't get why reverse engineering...
So we're on the "can we use Army in game" again? Yay...I like that! :D In casual games, I think people are generally more open about their...
Hey guys and gals, DreiechCon is getting bigger every year with a more diverse program. Unfortunately with popularity comes the problem of space....
As this thread is starting to derail :)...these location bound scanarios are another problem for me. Especially newer players get the impression,...
Let me throw this in here:...
"Playing it safely" probably could be read a euphemsim for "not investing ยง$%& into anything" ;) I tried to stay positive here. Many of the...
Numbers are one thing...CA certainly had far more players that I had expected (thanks for the numbers!). Still we found it somewhat difficult to...
Thanks for the compliments!!! While I have some criticism on this year's iteration, in the end I still enjoyed it. One thing particularly stood...