I'm still gonna have to go with gun and open hand on this one chief.
I'm really glad outrage did well enough for another one. I always enjoyed the 40k comics, but those were pretty few.
It feels like they have over compensated for hi pain trains existing tbh
This is a trade I also would like to make, having a unit besides hac Tao and guijia that's able to damage an ac2 would be pretty nice.
Stuff like this reinforces in my mind that the whole of last year was one big fuckup as far as yu jing goes, uprising shit the bed so they had to...
I want to say toha relaunch vs shasvasti at gencon
Its going to be fun to try get into a DZ full of zappers. I wonder if, with more expensive line troopers those tiger creatures are going to...
Was the leaked ASA discontinued list similar to this one datewise, cos this seems to implying that after April you can get fucked whereas ASA gave...
The gate itself collapses, not just the blockade. So the Daedalus (wormhole) falls (in on itself?)
Tbh iss is fine, even great at this stage, I'd rather they fix the guijia and shang ji.
The red veil al fasid makes a good mowang if you have it.
Impersonation SMG chaincolt forward observer for maximum efficiency
Ye I'm definitely going to get one and diassmeble my old one to make double sword boi and cautious gun boi. The gun with open hand looks fucking dope.
Yeah but a lot of those biovisors are on bao troops or black friars who always get left at home. I guess people would rather risk death by speculo...
Can whoever did that nice Photoshop in the other thread of it with two weapons do one with gun hand and open hand?
So can we get a buff now?
On the bright side the general release one will look just as good and hopefully actually have his sword out as well.
I was trying to dredge up the ancap panoball to really put the right spin on the post but its on my old phone. Fixed it now though.
I meant what else would you run it with if you had that as a defensive fire team.