How would you guys stat John Wick. I recently got the spectre miniature and want to make a fun mission where John wick is hanging out in the...
I'm doing a red/dark green scheme for my boys kinda based off that image @Ben Kenobi posted. [IMG] [IMG]
Maybe that's the man portable multi hmg for the yan huo.
Oh ho come as close as you like Brainblast brainblast brainblast brainblast brainblaaaaaast
Oh so you're approaching me?
Right, I misread.
Only 3 vanilla at natcon? Does that count toha as a sectorial because they have fire teams?
Mine were all against vanilla as well except for starco in round 4. I was also a vanilla boy.
Vanilla yu jing is shit hot, heaps of 5 point chain rifles, guilangs, great choice of beat stick HI.
I get the that cb was just over cautious with IA to start with and combined with dubious input from testers (ay lmao hulangs are op) we got what...
I think ive knocked out one bulleteer in all the games ive used him.
I think he should have some brand of MMR to make having twin heavy pistols more meaningful.
Smmr instead of a combo would have been gold
nah I don't have any of these problems and I like to use the correct mini if possible. So krit "shelf boy" kokram.
The most disappointing thing is that the great model basically has no purpose once a real tai Shen is released. [IMG]
Man frenzy discount is dumb
To be fair that zuyong sculpt is one of the best in the yu jing range. (IMO)
Eclipse would be the dream
Tbhfam im expecting some serious antitank shit because of the jotum. Also predicting some more EM stuff, probs in the form of maulers and...
Does anyone know if the automedkits have come down in cost with the new shas? If it was cheaper for being a shit piece of equipment it could be worth.